Today is 22th day of war in my country.
Russia viciously attacked Ukraine on the night of February 24.
Now I am a forced migrant. I must left my home. And now I have no home, and I don't know if I will have a place to return to. My home is in Kyiv. And Russia is bombing our cities and civilians every day.
We must stop the terrorist county Russia and Putin.
Pray for Ukraine 💛💙
Help us to stop this war. Because Russia will not stop in our country.
#stoprussia #stopwarinukraine #stoprussianaggression
#russian_warship_go_fuck_yourself #russionwarshipfuckoff
#русскийвоенныйкорабльидинахуй #рускійвоєннийкорабльідінахуй
#direction #sketch #sketchbook #ink #inkart