Today is 23th day from russion invasion to Ukraine.
Mart 9 russion soldiers bombed maternity hospital and children's hospital in Mariupol. This is crime against humanity.
Russions know to where they are shooting. Russians were given a clear order to kill the civilian population of Ukraine. Official military intelligence has proves of this.
From February 24 russians killed over four thousands civil people. Among them 103 children and so many women.
Russians hate Ukraine because we are free people, we fight for our independent. And russians don't know what is freedom. That why they want to kill us all.
Russians attack our cities. And more of them aren't exist now. No more exist.
There are already more than two million IDPs. And they may have nowhere to return, because their houses will be destroyed.
Russians are killing us. Russian soldiers place their artillery among apartment buildings under cover of civilians. Russia holds whole Ukrainian cities hostage.
Russian civil people believe only in propaganda and putin. They don't trust even their relatives from Ukraine. They call all Ukrainians and their relatives in Ukraine nazis and wish us death. They say that we are killing ourselves, our children, destroying our homes.
Russia come to their neighbors countries and bring there death.
Russia is terrorist country.
#stoprussia #stoprussianaggression #stopwarinukraine #russian_warship_go_fuck_yourself #russionwarshipfuckoff #russian_warship_fuck_you #russia #ukrain #flight #war #ink #inkart #horror #hell #sketchbook