22. Mouse

Today I woke up from the missile attack.  The russians attacked Kyiv with missiles at 6 am.  The russians sent 14 bombes at my city today, 4 of them hit a building near my house.
I woke up from the first explosion.  The walls and windows shook.  I grabbed my cat and ran to the bathroom.

Then there were three more powerful explosions.
One of the russian missiles hit a living building where live people. Another rocket hit a kindergarten.  It's all next to my house, where I walk every day.

Every day I try to draw and try to live as usual, but it's all an illusion.  russia continues to kill us, to kill children, to rape Ukrainian women and children.  Yes, the russian military rapes little children too. Because they aren't humans.

This is the world I have lived in for four months now.  But this war has been going since 2014. The russia have been trying to destroy Ukraine for centuries.

But I keep trying to live, draw, tell you the truth.
Please, pray for Ukraine. Help Ukraine stop russian terror.  If we will not stop the russians here, they will go further to Europe and the world, and they will kill more and more.

And I try to continue my #InkTober52
I drew #Mouse yesterday. I thought it's just sketch, just normal life as usual.

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