It's not just about putin. It's about all russians.
Today is the 26th day of massive attack of Russia to Ukraine.
From February 24 russians killed more that 100 children and thousands woman and man.

Russians are killing Ukrainians, destroying hospitas and kindergartens, civil buildings. And after that Russia lies to whole world that we are killing our people ourselves, bombing our towns.
According to a social poll, 71% of Russians support Putin. These are 102 millions russians people. They support war against Ukraine. They say that Putin is right and he do right thing when bombing our cities and killing our people. The most of Russian people hate Ukrainians and want to kill us.
Just think about that. The 71% of population hate us.
March 18 Putin gave a speech. The 200'000 Russians went to the streets to listen him. They are selebrating annexation of Crimea. 8 years ego Russia begun war in Ukraine from Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk. And now Russians are selebrating it.
It is insane. 
They are selebrating the beginning of war.
Let me remind you that only a few thousands Russians went to the streets for support peace in Ukraine.
Russia is a totalitarian fascist country.  And it's not just Putin.  This is the majority of Russia's population.  
This has been the case throughout their history.  
They attack neighboring countries, carry death and lies.
#russia #stoprussia #stoprussianagression #closethesky #Ukraine #russianagression #russians #StopPutinNOW #stopwarinukraine #warinukraine

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